For this week’s blog we need to research the history of electronic gaming from the early 70’till present time.
I will go through and list some things that I found interesting and what i liked as well as trying not to make the blog to long.
Here is a link that lists the consoles of the 70’s, I had no idea that there was so many!
There was far too many to discuss with a 300 word limit, so you can look at it if you’re interested.
1971 saw the introduction of the first coin operated arcade machine:
In the early 70’suniversity mainframes were being used to make and play games. Most people found this as waist valuable equipment; it could also be argued they were behind the demand for cheap personal computers.
In the 70’s to 80’s home computer gaming stared and initially used the mainframe classics of the past.
The 80’s saw the release of the predecessors to some of my favourite games:
1980 – Pac-Man

1981 - Donkey Kong
1983 - Mario Bros.

1986 - The Legend of Zelda

The 90’s saw the decline of the arcade game and the rise of 3D and also gave birth to my all time favourite console the Nintendo 64!

The Two games I liked best were
Golden Eye:

Mario Cart:

In the pc world I found Civilisation, Lemmings and Starcraft to be the best games of the decade
Since most of your will be able to remember the start of this century I will compare the graphics and size of gaming devices. The biggest Change is that games are now every were and will continue to emerge in new places.
I will go through and list some things that I found interesting and what i liked as well as trying not to make the blog to long.
Here is a link that lists the consoles of the 70’s, I had no idea that there was so many!
There was far too many to discuss with a 300 word limit, so you can look at it if you’re interested.
1971 saw the introduction of the first coin operated arcade machine:
In the early 70’suniversity mainframes were being used to make and play games. Most people found this as waist valuable equipment; it could also be argued they were behind the demand for cheap personal computers.
In the 70’s to 80’s home computer gaming stared and initially used the mainframe classics of the past.
The 80’s saw the release of the predecessors to some of my favourite games:
1980 – Pac-Man
1981 - Donkey Kong
1983 - Mario Bros.
1986 - The Legend of Zelda
The 90’s saw the decline of the arcade game and the rise of 3D and also gave birth to my all time favourite console the Nintendo 64!
The Two games I liked best were
Golden Eye:
Mario Cart:
In the pc world I found Civilisation, Lemmings and Starcraft to be the best games of the decade
Since most of your will be able to remember the start of this century I will compare the graphics and size of gaming devices. The biggest Change is that games are now every were and will continue to emerge in new places.
Civilisation I - V
Untill Next Time,